Canada Stat Holidays 2024 – 2025: How Many Working Days in a Year? / Jours fériés au Canada 2024-2025 : combien de jours ouvrables dans une année ?

In 2025, Canada will have 252 working days. This accounts for the typical workweek of Monday to Friday, excluding weekends and public holidays.

Last Updated on March 29, 2025

Canadians celebrating stat holiday
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Canada offers a good work-life balance and flexible work options, but it is still common for Canadians to feel stressed due to work. For businesses, it is important to understand the various types of holidays and holiday pay, including legal, federal, statutory, and provincial holidays. These holidays can have an effect on your business operations, so it is crucial to be aware of them and know how to effectively manage them.

In this article let’s take a closer look about all the holidays in Canada this 2024 – 2025. You will also learn about the history and significance of each holiday, as well as rules for statutory holiday pay. In addition, we will discuss the August long weekend and other relevant details.

How Many Days in 2025Provincial Statutory Holidays in Canada for 2025
How Many Working Days in a Year in Canada?AB | BC | MB | ON | QC | NL | NB | NS | NT | PEI | SK
Canada Public Holidays 2025 vs 2024Canada Holidays FAQs

How Many Days in 2025

In 2025, the calendar year has 365 days, translating to a total of 8,760 hours or 31,536,000 seconds. Unlike the previous year, 2025 is not a leap year, hence February has 28 days.

Regarding the number of days in each month:

  • January, March, May, July, August, October, and December each have 31 days.
  • April, June, September, and November each have 30 days.
  • February has 28 days.

This equates to:

  • 52 weeks and 1 day in 2025.
  • There are 52 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and 53 Sundays in 2025.

How Many Working Days in a Year in Canada?

For 2025, there will be 365 calendar days. In Canada, this includes 104 weekend days, 12 public holidays, and 252 working days. However, vacation days and other types of paid time off can vary significantly depending on the industry and job role, with some workplaces offering additional time off as a benefit to their employees. This breakdown helps both employees and employers plan for the year ahead, ensuring proper work-life balance and adherence to statutory holidays.

Canada Public Holidays 2025 vs 2024

Canada has a number of holidays throughout the year, both federal and provincial, that are celebrated by Canadians. These holidays often have special significance and are marked by time off work and special events or activities. In this article, we will define some important terms related to holidays in Canada, including statutory holidays, public holidays, and observed holidays. We will also provide an overview of the main holidays celebrated in Canada and their significance.

New Year’s DayJan 1, WedJan 1, MonNational, Federal
Family Day*Feb 17, MonFeb 19, MonFederal, Provincial, AB, BC, NB, ON & SK
Islander Day*Feb 17, MonFeb 19, MonProvincial, PEI
Louis Riel Day*Feb 17, MonFeb 19, MonProvincial, MB
Nova Scotia Heritage Day*Feb 17, MonFeb 19, MonProvincial, NS
Saint Patrick’s Day*Mar 17, MonMar 18, MonProvincial, NL
Good FridayApril 18, FriMar 29, FriNational, Federal
Easter Monday*Apr 21, MonApr 1, MonNational, Federal (AB, NT, NU, QC)
Saint George’s Day*Apr 21, MonApr 22, MonProvincial, NL
National Patriots’ Day*May 19, MonMay 20, MonProvincial, QC
Victoria Day*May 19, MonMay 20, MonFederal (except NS, PEI & QC)
National Indigenous Peoples Day*Jun 21, SatJun 21, FriProvincial, NT, YT
St Jean Baptiste Day*Jun 24, TueJun 24, MonProvincial, QC
June Holiday*Jun 23, MonJun 24, MonProvincial, NL
Canada DayJul 1, TueJul 1,MonNational, Federal (except MB)
July 1*Jul 1, TueJul 1, MonProvincial, MB
Nunavut Day*Jul 9, WedJul 9, TueProvincial, NU
Orangeman’s DayJul 14, MonJul 15, MonProvincial, NL
Civic Holiday *Aug 4, MonAug 5, MonFederal, Provincial, NT, NU
Heritage Day*Aug 4, MonAug 5, MonFederal, Provincial, AB
Saskatchewan Day*Aug 4, MonAug 5, MonProvincial, SK
New Brunswick Day*Aug 4, MonAug 5, MonProvincial, NB
B.C. Day*Aug 4, MonAug 5, MonProvincial, BC
Discovery Day*Aug 18, MonAug 19, MonProvincial, YT
Labour DaySep 1, MonSep 2, MonNational, Federal
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation*Sep 30, TueSep 30, MonFederal
Thanksgiving Day*Oct 13, MonOct 14, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Remembrance Day*Nov 11, TueNov 11, MonFederal (except MB, NS, ON & QC)
Christmas DayDec 25, ThuDec 25, WedNational, Federal
Boxing Day*Dec 26, FriDec 26, ThuFederal (AB, NB,NL, NT, NU, ON)

* – Federal and/or Provincial

What is a Legal Holiday in Canada Mean?

A legal holiday is a day that is designated by the government to celebrate a special event or occasion, during which employers are required by law to give their workers time off.

In Canada, there are only two national legal holidays:

  • Victoria Day on May 19, Monday
  • Canada Day on July 1, Tuesday

What is a Federal Holiday in Canada Mean?

A federal holiday is a day in which employees who are covered under federal jurisdiction are entitled to a day off with pay. However, the Labour Code does not prohibit employees from working on a federal holiday if their job requires it. If an employee is required to work on a federal holiday, they must be paid for their time, in addition to receiving holiday pay as specified in the business’s pay policy.

In Canada, most employees are entitled to paid time off on 5 statutory holidays that are recognized nationally. These holidays are:

  • New Year’s Day on January 1
  • Good Friday on April 7, before Easter Sunday
  • Canada Day on July 1, Tuesday
  • Labour Day on the first Monday of September
  • Christmas Day on December 25, Thursday

In addition to the 5 national holidays, federally regulated employees in Canada are entitled to 7 more statutory holidays, bringing the total number of paid general holidays to 12.

  • Easter Monday on April 21
  • Victoria Day on the Monday before May 25
  • Civic Holiday on the first Monday of August
  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30
  • Thanksgiving Day on the second Monday of October
  • Remembrance Day on November 11
  • Boxing Day  on December 26

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Federal Stat holidays?

According to the Canada Labour Code, employees who work on a general holiday are entitled to receive holiday pay and a rate that is at least 1.5 times their regular wage for the hours worked on that day. The holiday pay for most workers is calculated as 1/20th of their wages (excluding overtime) earned in the 4-week period preceding the week in which the holiday falls.

What is Statutory Holiday in Canada Mean?

A statutory holiday, also known as a public or stat holiday, is a day that is legally recognized and set by federal, territorial, or provincial legislation as a day off for workers. On these holidays, employees are entitled to a day off with pay, even if they do not work on that day. If an employee is required to work on a statutory holiday, they are entitled to receive holiday pay at a premium rate, which is typically 1.5 to 2 times their regular pay rate.

What is Provincial Holiday in Canada Mean?

A provincial holiday is a day that is recognized by the government of a particular province as a holiday. These holidays apply only within the specific province and may not be observed in other provinces. Some Canadian celebrations vary by province, and individual provinces may have statutory holidays to celebrate historical and cultural events. On these days, workers are typically entitled to a paid day off or, if they are required to work, a premium rate of pay.

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Provincial Statutory Holidays in Canada for 2025

Each province in Canada has designated statutory holidays to recognize cultural and historical events. On these days, employees are entitled to a day off with pay, or they are paid a premium rate if they work.

The rules regarding provincial statutory holidays can be found in the Employment Standards Act of the specific province.

Stat Holidays in Alberta

In Alberta, there are 13 statutory holidays in total with 9 general or statutory holidays and 4* optional general holidays. The Alberta holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Family DayFebruary 17, MonFederal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Easter Monday*April 21, MonOptional
Victoria DayMay 19, MonFederal (except NS, PEI & QC)
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
Heritage Day*August 4, MonOptional
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation*September 30, TueOptional
Thanksgiving DayOctober 13, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Remembrance DayNovember 11, TueFederal (except MB, NS, ON & QC)
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal
Boxing Day*December 26, FriOptional

* – Optional

Did You Know…

  • that in Alberta, Boxing Day is not recognized as a public holiday, but some non-retail companies observe it as such.
  • that Remembrance Day is observed in the province.
  • that Family Day, third Monday of February, is a statutory holiday.
  • that Heritage Day, which falls on the first Monday of August, is not officially recognized as a public holiday in Canada. However, some people and businesses choose to observe it as a day off. It is equivalent to the Civic Holiday celebrated in other parts of the country.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Alberta Stat Holidays?

In Alberta, employees who have worked for the same employer for at least 30 days in the previous 12 months are entitled to general holiday pay. If an employee works on a general holiday that falls on a regular work day, they are entitled to receive general holiday pay (i.e. an average wage) and an additional 1.5 times their wage rate for each hour worked.

Stat Holidays in BC (British Columbia)

In British Columbia, there are 11 statutory holidays in total, including the 5 national holidays and 6* additional provincial statutory holidays. The British Columbia holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Family Day*February 17, MonFederal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Victoria Day*May 19, MonFederal (except NS, PEI & QC)
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
British Columbia Day*August 4, MonFederal
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation*September 30, TueFederal
Thanksgiving Day*October 13, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Remembrance Day*November 11, TueFederal
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that Boxing Day is not an official holiday in BC but Remembrance Day is.
  • that Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are not statutory holiday in B.C. as well.
  • that Starting in 2019, Family Day has been celebrated on the third Monday of February (previously, it was observed on the second Monday) in order to align with the celebration of Family Day and other holidays in other parts of Canada.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on British Columbia Stat Holidays?

Statutory holiday pay is provided to employees who have been employed for at least 30 calendar days and have worked on at least 15 of the 30 days preceding the statutory holiday.

Ontario Stat Holidays

In Ontario, there are 9 statutory holidays in total, including the 5 national holidays and 4* additional provincial statutory holidays. The Ontario holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Family Day*February 17, MonFederal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Victoria Day*May 19, MonFederal (except NS, PEI & QC)
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
Thanksgiving Day*October 13, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal
Boxing Day*December 26, FriFederal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that Ontario is the only province in Canada where Boxing Day is recognized as a statutory holiday.
  • that Remembrance Day is not considered a statutory holiday in Ontario, which has generated significant debate and controversy in the province. Some people believe that it should be recognized as a statutory holiday across Canada.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Ontario Stat Holidays?

An employee who works on a public holiday is entitled to public holiday pay and a rate of 1.5 times their hourly rate for all hours worked. Alternatively, they may choose to receive their regular wages plus a paid day off as a substitute.

Stat Holidays in Quebec

In Quebec, there are 9 statutory holidays in total, including the 5 national holidays and 4* additional provincial statutory holidays. The Quebec holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Easter Monday*April 21, MonFederal
National Patriotes Day*May 19, MonFederal
Fête Nationale (St. John the Baptist Day)*June 24, TueFederal
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
Thanksgiving Day*October 13, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that in Quebec either Good Friday or Easter Monday must be given as a paid statutory holiday, however many businesses will give both days.
  • that in Quebec Construction Holiday takes place during the last two weeks of July – while it applies officially only to the construction industry, many other Quebecers arrange to take their vacations during these two weeks..

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Quebec Stat Holidays?

An employee is entitled to holiday pay that is equivalent to 5% of the wages they earned in the 4 weeks leading up to the holiday week (overtime not included). This holiday pay, also known as an indemnity, is a right of the employee.

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Stat Holidays in Manitoba

In Manitoba, there are 9 statutory holidays in total, including the 4 national holidays and 5* additional provincial statutory holidays. The Manitoba holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Louis Riel Day*February 17, MonFederal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Victoria Day*May 19, MonFederal (except NS, PEI & QC)
July 1*July 1, TueFederal
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day)*September 30, TueFederal
Thanksgiving Day*October 13, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that Louis Riel Day is observed on the third Monday of February (this is Family day in some other provinces)
  • that while Remembrance Day is not recognized as official holiday, many people still choose to take time off. If an employee in a sector such as retail is required to work on one of this day, they may be entitled to receive 1.5 times their regular salary for that day. If an employee does not work on this day, they are not entitled to additional pay.
  • that the first Monday of August (Civic Holiday) is a not an official statutory holiday in Manitoba.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Manitoba Stat Holidays?

  • General holidays, also known as statutory holidays or stat holidays, are days that are legally recognized as holidays. If an employee has a general holiday off with pay, or works on a general holiday and receives different pay as a result, this is in accordance with the law.
  • Easter Sunday, Terry Fox Day, and Boxing Day are not considered general holidays, so employees are not entitled to pay if they do not work on these days.
  • If a general holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday that an employee does not normally work, they are entitled to receive the next regular workday off with pay. This pay is known as general holiday pay.

Newfoundland Stat Holidays

In Newfoundland and Labrador, there are 14 statutory holidays in total, including the 4 national holidays and 10* additional provincial statutory holidays. The Newfoundland and Labrador holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Saint Patrick’s Day*March 17, MonFederal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Saint George’s Day*April 21, MonFederal
Victoria Day*May 19, MonFederal (except NS, PEI & QC)
June Holiday*June 23, MonFederal
Memorial Day*July 1, TueFederal
Orangeman’s Day*July 14, MonFederal
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation*September 30, TueFederal
Thanksgiving Day*October 13, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Armistice Day (Remembrance Day)*November 11, TueFederal
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal
Boxing Day*December 26, FriFederal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that Newfoundland and Labrador has the most number of holidays in the entire Canada with 14 statutory holidays overall.
  • that Newfoundland and Labrador celebrate St. Patrick’s Day as a statutory holiday on March 17th? This reflects the province’s strong Irish heritage and the historical significance of the Irish community in the region.
  • that Memorial Day, also known as Canada Day, is observed on July 1st in Newfoundland and Labrador? It’s a day of national pride and celebration, marking the anniversary of the Constitution Act, 1867.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Newfoundland Stat Holidays?

According to The Labour Standards Act, there are only 7 paid public holidays that are legally recognized in Canada. These are: New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Canada Day (Memorial Day), Labour Day, National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (which only applies to federal employees), Remembrance Day, and Christmas Day.

While it is possible for businesses to provide pay for additional holidays, they are not legally required to do so beyond the 7 holidays mentioned.

Stat Holidays in NB (New Brunswick)

In New Brunswick, there are 7 statutory holidays in total, including the 5 national holidays and 2* additional provincial statutory holidays. The New Brunswick holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
New Brunswick Day*August 4, MonFederal
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
Remembrance Day*November 11, TueFederal
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that in New Brunswick Day is observed on the first Monday in August (Civic Holiday).

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on New Brunswick Stat Holidays?

The Days of Rest Act designates certain days of the year when businesses must be closed. These include the weekly day of rest (Sunday) and 11 additional prescribed days of rest: New Year’s Day, Family Day, Good Friday, Victoria Day, Canada Day, New Brunswick Day, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day.

Stat Holidays in NS (Nova Scotia)

In Nova Scotia, there are 6 statutory holidays in total, including the 5 national holidays and an additional provincial statutory holiday. The Nova Scotia holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Nova Scotia Heritage Day*February 17, MonFederal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that Nova Scotia has the least number of holidays in the entire Canada with only 6 statutory holidays overall.
  • that in Nova Scotia Victoria Day, Thanksgiving, Boxing Day and Remembrance Day are not statutory holidays. Boxing Day is a public holiday when shops are normally closed.
  • that in Nova Scotia under the province’s Remembrance Day Act, Remembrance Day is not a statutory holiday, but employers have the option to give their employees the day off or a different day off in its place.
  • that in Nova Scotia Natal Day – First Monday in August is also not a holiday but commonly a day off.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Nova Scotia Stat Holidays?

Canada Day is always observed on July 1st in Nova Scotia, regardless of whether it falls on a Sunday or not. The rules for holiday pay and retail closing apply on July 1, 2018. According to the Labour Standards Code, employees in Nova Scotia are entitled to six holidays with pay: New Year’s Day, Nova Scotia Heritage Day, Good Friday, Canada Day, Labour Day, and Christmas Day. There are separate rules that apply to holiday pay. Remembrance Day is covered by a separate law.

Stat Holidays in NWT (Northwest Territories)

In Northwest Territories, there are 13 statutory holidays in total, including the 5 national holidays and 8* additional provincial statutory holidays. The Northwest Territories holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Easter Monday*April 21, MonFederal
Victoria Day*May 19, MonFederal (except NS, PEI & QC)
National Indigenous Peoples Day*June 21, SatFederal
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
The first Monday in August*August 4, MonFederal
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
National Day of Truth and Reconciliation*September 30, TueFederal
Thanksgiving Day*October 13, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Remembrance Day*November 11, TueFederal
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal
Boxing Day*December 26, FriFederal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that in Northwest Territories in addition to the nationwide holidays National Indigenous Peoples Day is observed in the NWT on June 21st.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Northwest Territories Stat Holidays?

According to the Employment Standards in the Northwest Territories, it is possible for an employee who is not represented by a trade union to request a substitution for a statutory holiday under a collective agreement.

Stat Holidays in PEI (Prince Edward Island)

In Prince Edward Island, there are 8 statutory holidays in total, including the 5 national holidays and 3 additional provincial statutory holidays. The Prince Edward Island holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Islander Day*February 17, MonFederal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation*September 30, TueFederal
Remembrance Day*November 11, TueFederal
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that in PEI the August Civic holiday, Easter Monday, Thanksgiving, Victoria Day and Boxing Day are not statutory holidays. However, Federal Government employees (and some Provincial employees) do have arrangements in their collective agreements to receive these as paid days off.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Prince Edward Island Stat Holidays?

To receive pay for these holidays, an employee:

  • must have been employed by the same employer for 30 days leading up to the holiday,
  • have received pay for at least 15 of the 30 days before the holiday,
  • have worked their last scheduled shift before the holiday and their first scheduled shift after the holiday.

It’s important to note that “scheduled” means the employee’s established work schedule, not necessarily every day that they work. So, if the employee is not scheduled to work the day after the holiday, they may still qualify for holiday pay.

Stat Holidays in Saskatchewan

In Saskatchewan, there are 10 statutory holidays in total, including the 5 national holidays and 5* additional provincial statutory holidays. The Saskatchewan holidays are:

New Year’s DayJanuary 1, WedNational, Federal
Family Day*February 17, MonFederal
Good FridayApril 18, FriNational, Federal
Victoria Day*May 19, MonFederal (except NS, PEI & QC)
Canada DayJuly 1, TueNational, Federal (except MB)
Saskatchewan Day*August 4, MonFederal
Labour DaySeptember 1, MonNational, Federal
Thanksgiving Day*October 13, MonFederal (except NS & PEI)
Remembrance Day*November 11, TueFederal (except MB, NS, ON & QC)
Christmas DayDecember 25, ThuNational, Federal

* – Federal and/or Provincial

Did You Know…

  • that in Saskatchewan in addition to the national holidays in Canada, Family Day (third Monday in February) and Saskatchewan Day (first Monday of August) are observed.
  • that September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, is recognized as a statutory holiday for employees working in federally regulated sectors. However, it is not classified as a public holiday under The Saskatchewan Employment Act and is therefore not mandatory for provincially regulated employers and employees.

What are The Rules Regarding Pay on Saskatchewan Stat Holidays?

Canada Day is always observed on July 1st in Nova Scotia, regardless of whether it falls on a Sunday or not. The rules for holiday pay and retail closing apply on July 1, 2018. According to the Labour Standards Code, employees in Nova Scotia are entitled to six holidays with pay: New Year’s Day, Nova Scotia Heritage Day, Good Friday, Canada Day, Labour Day, and Christmas Day. There are separate rules that apply to holiday pay. Remembrance Day is covered by a separate law.

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Canada Holidays FAQs

In Canada, the number of weeks per month can vary. For instance, February may have fewer weeks due to a holiday or vacation. Canadians may also work overtime on weekends to increase the number of hours they work each week.

Typically, there are 53 working weeks in a year in Canada, which begins on Monday. This means that there are 52 weeks and two additional days in a year.

The legal maximum number of hours that can be worked in a week is usually 48. If you are both a student completing an unpaid internship as part of your educational program and a paid employee with the same employer, you are not allowed to work more than 10 hours per day or 48 hours per week in total.


On average, Canadians work 37.5 hours per week and value a good work-life balance. They also receive paid vacation days as part of their employment benefits. While Canada has fewer public holidays compared to some other countries, employees are still able to take time off on these days.

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